Translations may contain older or less detailed information than the original German page!
Welcome to the site of! This information platform is a comprehensive body of knowledge on the disease patterns and symptoms of all forms of histaminosis in general, and of enzymopathies of histamine degrading enzymes or histamine intolerance (HIT) in particular. Please be patient until all pages have been translated into English. It will take quite a while, but you can accelerate it: Please make a donation, become a member or ask us if you can help with translating some chapters!
If you do not know what this is all about, we offer you a summary (outline) and are happy to inform you about us and about our objectives. Please also thoroughly read these important notes before you start reading the remaining pages!
We are continuously expanding, updating and adjusting this website to reflect the latest state of information. It is well worth checking it on a regular basis. Our members are kept informed by a newsletter (English translation available). Join us to stay up to date about important news! On the page introduction > sitemap by date you will find the pages that have been recently updated. If you fear you may lose yourself in a hypertext document crowded with references, you also have the option of reading our pages linearly like a book. To do so, please follow our guided tour (button at the bottom end of every page).
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